Personalized Speech Therapy

for Preschoolers Ages 3-5

We’ll help your child combine 5+ words in a sentence while reducing unwanted behaviors

Serving families in DC, Maryland, and Northern Virginia—in person at your home or your child’s school.

Get a Tailored Speech Plan Now


It’s Not a Behavior Problem, It’s a Communication Breakdown.

It’s easy to overlook how deeply communication affects your child’s behavior.

When a child struggles to express their needs, preferences, or emotions, it can lead to frustration, outbursts, and defiance.

Common unwanted behaviors—tantrums, hitting, biting, or defiance—are often a direct result of a communication gap.

Simply put, when your child can’t tell you what they want or how they feel, they find other ways to express it, often through behaviors like aggression, whining, or even running away.

You might think your child doesn’t need speech therapy because they talk a lot, are social, and use more than five words. But if you’re noticing that something still feels off—like they can hold a basic conversation, but struggle beyond that—you might think it’s just a phase.

Some children use more than five words, but they’re still not fully understood. They get frustrated, and this is also a communication breakdown—they’re not using the quality words needed to fully express what they want. Instead, they only get their thoughts across halfway. This is another form of communication breakdown.

What your child really needs isn’t behavioral therapy. They need a speech therapist who understands the root cause of these behaviors: communication delays.

By focusing on your child’s speech and language development, we can drastically reduce these unwanted behaviors.

Through our 1:1 individualized speech therapy, we’ll help your child go from using a few words to expressing themselves in complete sentences.

As their ability to communicate grows, so does their ability to regulate emotions, follow directions, and engage positively with others.

Don’t wait until kindergarten or for referrals and insurance to catch up. Start now with a solution that gets to the heart of the issue—communication. You’ll see the difference, not just in how they speak, but in how they behave.

Schedule a Call


  • Fewer meltdowns and easier outings with your preschooler.
  • Watch them communicate better and connect with family and friends.
  • Prepare them for kindergarten without needing extra language support.
  • See a new side of your child as they express themselves more confidently.

This Program is Perfect If:

Your preschooler is struggling to use more than a 2-3 words to communicate and it’s leading to frustration and unwanted behaviors like tantrums, aggression, and shyness.

You want immediate, personalized support without waiting.

You’ve noticed that even though your child can talk a lot or use more than five words, there’s still a breakdown when they try to communicate more complex thoughts or emotions, leading to frustration.

You’re preparing your child to be socially and emotionally ready for kindergarten.

We are seeing her really bloom at home, her expressiveness and vocabulary are really coming through and she is more engaging in back and forth conversation rather than one off statements.

Karen S.

1:1 Individualized Speech Therapy

2x a Week for 6 Months


Building a Personalized Roadmap

Milestone 1

  • Create a solid foundation for your child’s communication progress.
  • Conduct a detailed assessment of your child’s language skills, attention, and behavior.
  • By the end, you’ll have a clear, personalized plan with measurable goals.
  • The detailed evaluation helps us create customized interventions that target specific areas.
  • Ensures a focused and effective approach from the very beginning.


Stopping Unwanted Behaviors

Milestone 2

  • Implement communication strategies to stop unwanted behaviors within the first 60 days.
  • Parents learn to identify what their child’s emotions are communicating through our Skill Competency Framework.
  • Significantly reduce unwanted behaviors like tantrums and meltdowns.
  • Establish clear boundaries and expectations, creating a more stable environment.
  • As behaviors improve, your child becomes more receptive to learning.
  • Easier progress in attention and communication skills as behaviors are managed.


Focus & Listening for Better Learning

Milestone 3

  • Strengthen attention and listening skills, which are essential for communication.
  • Reduce emotional outbursts, allowing for better focus on attention and listening.
  • Teach quality words that replace emotional responses like fear and resistance.
  • Improved focus and listening help your child engage more actively in communication tasks.
  • Lays the groundwork for expanding their vocabulary and communication abilities.


Expanding Vocabulary & Building Social Connections

Milestone 4

  • We focus on quality words that meet your child’s needs and foster positive social interactions.
  • We teach words that replace emotions like denial, fear, and resistance, reducing tantrums and unwanted behaviors.
  • Parents gain understanding of their child’s emotions and clear expectations are set.
  • We help your child make friends and become a better friend, improving their participation in group activities.
  • Your child’s vocabulary grows, helping them form stronger relationships at home, in school, and with peers.
  • Boosted confidence in social settings as your child communicates more effectively.


Celebrating Progress & Graduation

Milestone 5

  • Review your child’s progress to assess improvements and fine-tune strategies.
  • Re-evaluate and adjust approaches as needed to meet final goals.
  • Once all goals are met, your child graduates from the program.
  • Graduation means confident communication, equipped with improved social skills, vocabulary, and behavior.
  • Your child is ready to handle communication challenges independently.

Your Comprehensive Support Plan.

  • 2 Speech Therapy Sessions Per Week
    Whether in person, virtual, at home, or at your child’s school, we meet your child where they are most comfortable to ensure progress.
  • Comprehensive Assessment
    Within 48 hours of deciding to work with us, we complete a thorough assessment of your child’s speech and communication needs.
  • Personalized Roadmap
    In the first 30 days, you will receive a detailed, individualized roadmap, unique to your child’s goals and progress.
  • Advocacy & Communication System
    A clear, easy-to-use system that helps you advocate for your child’s development, communicate with teachers, and ensure consistent behavior strategies are implemented across home and school.
  • Personalized Coaching & Behavioral Reviews
    One-on-one coaching and behavioral reviews to help you address specific situations at home, such as dinner time or homework struggles.
  • Access to Your Dedicated Therapist
    You’ll have ongoing support between sessions through our messaging system, so any questions or concerns can be addressed in real time.
  • Online Portal with Curriculum & Resources
    You’ll have full access to our online portal, which includes training, resources, and a curriculum designed to support your child’s speech development and help you better understand their progress.
  • Monthly Progress Reviews
    Each month, we’ll conduct progress review meetings, providing coaching and actionable steps so you know the support you’re giving your child is working toward their goals and milestones.
  • Custom Strategies for Home & School
    A tailored system that generates targeted strategies and quick tips for parents and teachers, based on your child’s evaluation results. Each strategy is designed to eliminate or replace specific behaviors.
  • Teacher-Friendly Communication Framework
    A coaching framework that helps you advocate for your child’s progress with clear, automated updates that are easy for teachers to manage without adding to their workload.







what our clients have to say

"Our child went from signing, and speaking 2 word phrases to a chatterbox that talks non stop. She is actually well ahead of her development now all thanks to the team."- Heather & Mark

“I’ve seen a lot of progress in the last few months, and I want to keep this momentum going. I’m glad he’s starting to assert himself with his friends.”-Valerie

"The evaluation process was eye-opening, as we could see the tangible results and milestones achieved throughout the program."- Jasmine & Robert

"We would recommend all families to go work with her team now."-Kristie

"The program was thoughtfully designed, with a perfect balance of individualized therapy sessions and collaborative efforts with the team and teachers."- Aimee

"This was incredibly helpful. Thank you so much for evaluating her in such a detailed manner. She has enjoyed her time with you during school :)"- Sharmi

"We watched your video and I just want to thank you again for your thorough and detailed evaluation! We really feel like Felix is in good hands with your help. We love how comprehensive you are--really nailing down our concerns and understanding the social- emotional concerns as well ."- Amy

"Thank you so much for your help in helping Raven. We really appreciate your thorough and caring approach."- Bobby

why our clients

see BIG wins

Here’s the deal: our clients get results because everything we do is laser-focused and fully personalized.

We’re not here to hand you a cookie-cutter plan from the school or city system. This isn’t some generic, one-size-fits-all approach. This is built for your child. Whether they’re mastering new skills a little slower or navigating ADHD, autism, or anything else—we meet them exactly where they are.

Your child isn’t just another number on a list. We dive deep, create a roadmap specifically for them, and deliver a plan that’s as unique as they are. That’s why you see real, tangible progress—because we’re not here for average results. We’re here to make sure your child’s growth is next level.


We've got A's for your Q's

I don’t know if my child is eligible.

We provide a custom diagnostic assessment that evaluates your child’s overall communication skills and creates a clear path of intervention specifically tailored to your child's needs.

If your child scores average or above, you’ll walk away with certainty, knowing they have the skills to communicate and follow directions. However, if your child is exhibiting unwanted behaviors or not using their full range of vocabulary, our program can still help.

We’ll teach both you and your child how to address these behaviors and encourage effective word usage. There’s no need to wait—your child can still benefit from enrolling in the program.

I don’t have enough time.

Each session is just 50 minutes, twice a week—that’s less than 2 hours a week that will have a lifetime impact on your child’s speech and behavior.

My child has been diagnosed with autism/ADHD. Can you still help?

Absolutely! We specialize in creating individualized paths to success for every child, regardless of diagnosis. We focus on your child’s unique strengths, and our inclusive approach welcomes all learning styles and needs.

What do I do if insurance doesn't cover the full cost of reimbursement?

If your insurance doesn't cover the full reimbursement, you are responsible for any remaining balance. However, our upfront, transparent pricing helps you plan accordingly. We also work with you to provide a super bill, which can be submitted to insurance for partial reimbursement, depending on your coverage.

I don’t have a referral from my pediatrician.

The great thing about partnering with us is that we are 100% cash pay, allowing us to create custom speech plans for each client. There's no cookie-cutter approach. Referrals from your pediatrician aren't required to get started. You know your child best, and we trust you as the parent.

You don’t accept insurance.

That’s right, but there’s no need to worry. We offer complete transparency with fixed costs, so you’ll know upfront exactly what you’re paying—no surprise bills or varying co-pays. Plus, you’ll never have to wait for insurance pre-authorization to get the care your child needs. We also provide a superbill for you to submit to insurance for potential reimbursement.

How long will my child need therapy?

The duration of therapy varies for each child, but we provide regular progress assessments so you’ll always know where your child stands in reaching their speech goals. Our speech services are offered in 6-month contracts, during which 90% of our clients progress from using 1-2 words to 5 or more words.

For children who need more support, especially those who haven’t reached communication milestones of 200 words by their 2nd birthday, therapy may extend up to 12 months. After the first 6 months, you’ll have the option to opt into another 6-month program if additional support is needed.

Throughout the program, we’ll fine-tune strategies as necessary, and once all goals are met, your child will graduate with confident communication, improved social skills, and the ability to handle communication challenges independently.

Will my child work directly with you, or other therapists?

All therapists on our team are carefully selected and trained under the direct supervision of the CEO, myself. Every therapist is certified, licensed, and trained to deliver the same level of care, ensuring that your child will receive expert attention and guidance, no matter which therapist they work with. Rest assured, the therapy plan and progress will always be closely monitored and tailored to your child's needs.

Meet Chanel Blaylock, M.S., CCC-SLP
With a Master’s degree in Speech-Language Pathology and 10 years of experience working with young children, I’ve witnessed how early intervention can create lasting, positive change in a child’s ability to communicate. This program was designed based on my belief that every child’s language development is unique and deserves a personalized approach.

The ages of 2-5 are crucial for a child’s language development. During these years, the brain is especially open to learning new skills, and without the right support, delays in communication can impact their emotional and social growth. Early intervention ensures that we catch and address communication challenges before they become barriers to other developmental milestones.

Every child has their own unique path when it comes to speech and language. That’s why this program focuses on a personalized approach—because no two children are the same. Through individualized therapy, we work directly with each child to understand their specific needs, and together, we build a plan that delivers real, measurable progress. This isn’t just about increasing their vocabulary—it’s about empowering them to express themselves confidently and connect with others.

Over the years, I’ve helped hundreds children go from feeling frustrated and misunderstood to expressing themselves clearly, making friends, and engaging more meaningfully with their families and peers. My commitment is to provide your child with the tools and support they need to succeed long after our work together is done.